AI-powered productivity for wealth management

LEA is a SaaS company revolutionizing wealth management through data and AI. We enable RIAs to unlock new growth opportunities by lowering the cost of providing targeted, high-value financial advice.

How LEA Works

LEA uses multiple layers of AI and OCR technology to extract useful information from your documents.

Our classification model identifies the type of document (e.g., Tax, Insurance, Statement etc.), intelligently names it based on the document type and information contained in the document, like the statement date.

Other models extracts specific data out of each document type - W2s, brokerage statements, insurance documents.

This enables LEA to deliver all the information an advisor needs to immediately understand their client’s entire financial footprint.

Unlock the LEA Advantage

Every time you come across a vital document or data, LEA springs into action without disturbing your workflow.

You don't need to toggle between systems or change your established routines. LEA smoothly connects with the tools you currently use, whether it's your email system, cloud storage, or any other digital platform.

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